
1957 - 2009

Created by Family & friends 15 years ago
Russell was a caring considerate family man who took great pride in his son James and step children Samantha and Steven. He always remembered his days at Forest with great affection and was delighted when he was appointed Chairman of the Old Foresters. Returning from meetings was often met with "how things have changed since my day!" Days that he could recall as if it was yesterday. Forest was one of the loves of his life along with sailing, football, cricket and any sport that he could be actively involved in. This enthusiasm for all things active stemmed from his days at Forest where he would participate and represent the school at any available opportunity. Thankfully Russell did not suffer for too long but his passing has left a big gap in many peoples lives. The post of Chairman must now pass to someone else and I hope whoever that may be will enjoy the role as much as he did.