My Dad

1984 October - 2009 April

Created by Family & friends 15 years ago
Russ, I am still in shock and asking myself WHY YOU?. I wake up and think it has all been a bad dream, but then i realise that it's true. You married my Mum 25 yrs ago this October, not only did you get our mum, you got me and Steven as well! What a stepdad we had. You took the role of Dad on with some ease,(Well it looked like you did, I can still picture you with your head in your hands trying to teach me fractions,and i still dont no how to do them..) Nothing was to much trouble for you, you taught me how to drive, I think thats what made you go grey so young. You was the first person to call when i finally passed my fifth driving test. Not once did you moan if i did something wrong, you would bide your time and then have a little chat with me, you knew that had more of an effect on me. The next best day in your life(asides from marrying Mum),was James being born. I was so pleased that you and mum had a baby and James has made you proud since the day he was born and will carry on doing so. I grew up and had children myself and that made me understand just how much you did for us, we was all treated the same in your eyes and that's another reason we loved you so much. We all knew if we had a problem, we could come to you, if you could help you did. If you did help,it was done and dusted, you was just glad you could help. One day that sticks out for me was when James passed out Hendon after finishing his Police Training. You could see how proud you were of him just by looking at the smile on your face. I wish we could turn the clock back to that day as you was not ill or in pain. When you was in hospital the staff was shocked that you was an only child because you had so many family and friends visiting or calling. We was all there because you have always been there for us and because of who you are. When you fell asleep on the 14th April 2009, it broke our hearts. We was all hoping they would give you a trial drug that would work miracles, but sadly that was not meant to be. We all keep asking why you? Why so young? You will never be forgotten because you made such an impact in our lives. You are my Stepdad who i am proud to call my Dad. I love you always. GOODNIGHT GOD BLESS LOVE YOU LOADS...SEE YOU IN MY DREAMS. UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN X x X x X X